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Critical Role Spoilers

Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 82: Ascent to the Bloody Bridge

In-Episode Events

In Episode 82 of Critical Role's third campaign, "Ascent to the Bloody Bridge," the Mighty Nein faced off against the formidable Dwendalian army in a climactic battle.

Led by the ruthless General Krieg, the army had laid siege to the city of Jrusar, and the Nein were determined to break the siege and save their allies. The battle was fierce and bloody, with both sides suffering heavy losses.

Key Moments

The Nein's Plan

Before the battle, the Nein devised a plan to infiltrate the Dwendalian army and sabotage their siege weapons. Jester disguised herself as a Dwendalian soldier and managed to infiltrate the enemy camp, while the rest of the Nein created a diversion.

The Battle Begins

As the battle commenced, the Nein engaged in fierce combat with the Dwendalian soldiers. Caleb used his powerful magic to rain down fire upon the enemy ranks, while Yasha and Beau fought valiantly in close combat.

The Bloody Bridge

The climax of the battle took place on the Bloody Bridge, a strategic point that controlled access to the city. The Nein fought their way across the bridge, facing off against General Krieg himself.

Conclusion: A Lasting Impression

In a moment of epic heroism, FCG sacrificed himself to save his friends, using his body to block an attack from General Krieg. As FCG lay dying, he whispered these words to his comrades: "Remember me, and fight on."

FCG's sacrifice not only saved the Nein but also spurred them on to victory. They rallied together and fought with renewed determination, eventually defeating General Krieg and breaking the siege of Jrusar.


